1.Purpose and Scope

Any affiliated group desiring to solicit funds in University buildings or campus spaces must receive written approval for such solicitations from the Director of Campus Activities and Programs. Officially recognized student organizations are subject to the regulations found in the Merchandising Policy Guidelines.


University buildings or campus spaces may not be used to raise money or to solicit goods or services that can be measured in monetary terms for any individual or organization other than by a University affiliated group. Exceptions may be permitted for:


sponsored or cosponsored events with merchandise or solicitations directly related to and supportive to the event’s primary purpose, such as CDs sold at the University Concert and Lecture Series. Activity is limited to participants of the event. Solicitation permit required.


charitable organizations (tax-deductible under Section 170(b)(1)(a) of the Internal Revenue Code) using University space for an event. Solicitations of funds to invited participants must be in compliance with NC GS 131F, Solicitation of Contributions. Solicitation permit required.


Solicitations permits can be obtained through the Office of Campus Activities and Programs.


Comments or questions? Email the Policy Administrator.


Revision Date Revision Summary
03/20/2006 Approved as part of the Facility Use Policy by the Chancellor
05/10/2010 Revisions approved by the Chancellor

- Solicitation by Affiliated and Unaffiliated Groups Policy. Retrieved 09/08/2024. Official version at https://policy.uncg.edu/university_policies/solicitation-by-affiliated-and-unaffiliated-groups-policy/. Copyright © 2024 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.