
The purpose of this policy is to promote stewardship in the planning, design, construction and maintenance of the university’s physical environment so that it is cohesive, contextual, aesthetic, sustainable and enduring so as to protect the health, welfare and safety of the university community and supportive of the university’s mission.


This policy shall apply to all facilities owned by the State of North Carolina, through UNCG, or under the responsibility of UNCG, regardless of funding source used for construction, operation and maintenance.


Alteration includes, but is not limited to, all minor construction; changes in facilities configuration; fabrication, modification, removal, or installation of hardware and equipment; signs and banners; erection, relocation, or removal of partitions, doors, and windows; changes in type of finishes on walls, ceilings, and flooring materials, interior signage (including changes in room numbers); installation or placement of site furnishings (for example bus shelters, benches, bike racks, newsstands, special fencing, picnic, recreation shelters, and flagpoles); changes in use of space (for example changing the use of a conference room to office space); installation of equipment requiring connection to building or site utilities; and new construction or alteration of exterior recreation areas.

Renovation applies to that work which is required to restore, upgrade, or otherwise improve the general condition of facilities, including painting and floor covering replacement.

Maintenance or Repair includes all work necessary for the general upkeep of existing facilities, facility components, grounds, and utility systems.

Structural/physical changes to interior space is defined as demolition or new construction that includes: installation of fixed equipment or furniture requiring utility, electrical, laboratory exhaust or HVAC connections; fire alarms and fire suppression systems; any alteration that taps into building utilities or HVAC systems; plumbing; involvement of any hazardous materials or life safety issues such as propane, natural gas, chemicals, fumes, ventilation issues.


Facilities is responsible for review and approval of all alterations, renovations, maintenance and repair of UNCG facilities. All alterations, renovations, structural/physical changes, maintenance and repair must be performed or contracted only through Facilities unless expressed written approval is granted by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities for an exception. Facilities will ensure that alterations, renovations, maintenance and repair are:

  • Designed and carried out in compliance with the parameters of UNCG’s Physical Master Plan and the programmatic needs of the university so that the work will meet the programmatic requirements of the user and also of all other university stakeholders such as Environmental Health and Safety,
  • Conducted so as to protect the health, welfare and safety of the university community,
  • In compliance with State Building Codes, UNCG Design and Construction Guidelines, Sustainable Design, and State Building standards,
  • Reviewed by the required campus units, appropriate university departments and state agencies,
  • Documented and archived into building “As Built” plans,
  • Durable, maintainable, will endure the test of time and are aesthetically pleasing.
  • Completed in a timely manner.

Facilities will work closely with the department requesting alterations, renovations, structural and physical changes to interior space in establishing programmatic requirements for the project.


Departments violating this policy will be required to correct non-compliant work and will be financially responsible for all costs to obtain compliance.


This policy shall be reviewed by the Facilities Department every five years or as needed.


Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities

Comments or questions? Email the Policy Administrator.

- Alteration, Renovation, Maintenance and Repair of Facilities. Retrieved 09/20/2024. Official version at https://policy.uncg.edu/university_policies/alteration-renovation-maintenance-and-repair-of-facilities/. Copyright © 2024 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.