
Members of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (“UNCG” or the “University”) community and others often wish to bring animals on or into University Property for a variety of reasons. It is the purpose of this policy to articulate the conditions under which animals may or may not be permitted on or in University Property.


This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, visitors, and guests on any University Property owned, leased, used, operated, managed, or otherwise controlled by the University.

This policy is intended to apply to Assistance Animals (Service Animals, Service Animals in Training, and Emotional Support Animals), Therapy Animals, and Pets. This policy does not apply to animals used in the course and scope of University business and approved by the Director of Environmental Health and Safety, such as research animals, animals used for teaching, or police dogs.


Subject to the provisions of this policy, if an animal satisfies more than one of the following definitions, the animal shall be considered to be classified as the type of animal that is allowed to provide the most extensive assistance or support to a person with a disability. For example, an animal may satisfy the definitions of both “Emotional Support Animals” and “Service Animals,” in which case the animal should be classified as a “Service Animal”.

3.1Assistance Animals

An “Assistance Animal” is an animal lawfully permitted for use by individuals with disabilities at UNCG. The term Assistance Animal is the overarching term that refers to both Service Animals, Service Animals in Training, and Emotional Support Animals as defined below.

3.1.1Service Animals

Any animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability. A disability may be physical, sensory, psychiatric, or intellectual, and may not be apparent from visual observation. The work or tasks performed by a Service Animal must be directly related to the person’s disability. The provision of emotional support, well- being, comfort, or companionship by the animal’s presence does not constitute work or tasks for the purpose of this definition. Federal law defines Service Animals as dogs, or in some cases, miniature horses. Species other than dogs are generally not considered Service Animals.

3.1.2Service Animals in Training

Animals in training to become service animals.

3.1.3Emotional Support Animals

Animals that provide emotional or other support to an individual with a disability. Emotional Support Animals are not required to be trained to perform work or tasks. Emotional Support Animals do not assist a person with a disability with their activities of daily living and do not accompany a person with a disability at all times or to locations on University Property other than a student’s assigned on campus housing unit (bedroom). Emotional Support Animals may include species other than dogs and miniature horses


Animals kept for ordinary use and companionship.

3.3Research Animals:

Animals involved in UNCG research efforts approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

3.4Teaching Animals:

Animals temporarily used during classroom or lecture instructions or demonstrations.

3.5Therapy Animals:

Animals trained and certified to assist other people. Therapy Animals are used in animal-assisted therapy. Animal-assisted therapy is goal-oriented and structured intervention that intentionally incorporates animals in health, education, and human service for the purpose of therapeutic gains and improved health and wellness.

3.6University Property:

All grounds, buildings, rooms, auditoriums, facilities, stadiums, or other spaces or improvements, that are owned, leased, used, operated, managed, or otherwise controlled by the University.

4.Roles and Responsibilities

4.1Office of Accessibility Resources & Services (“OARS”):

Assesses for appropriate academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services (“academic accommodations”) for students with disabilities as defined and recognized under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Fair Housing Act. OARS will assist students who require Assistance Animals as academic accommodations.

4.2UNCG Housing and Residence Life (“HRL”):

Manages UNCG’s residential program by providing students with comfortable and safe living environments that support academic success and promote social responsibility. In connection with OARS, HRL will assist its residents with regard to Assistance Animals in University housing.

4.3UNCG Human Resources (“HR”):

Provides leadership of the human resources priorities and strategies for UNCG’s workforce, including providing appropriate workplace accommodations for employees with disabilities as defined and recognized under the ADA. HR will assist University employees who use Assistance Animals as a reasonable workplace accommodation.


5.1General Requirements


Except as provided in this policy, no person may bring animals in or onto University Property.


All animals must be under the control of the owner/handler at all times. The University is not responsible for the care or supervision of any animal on University Property.


With the exception of limited situations involving Assistance Animals described below, all animals must be restrained by a harness, leash, or tether.


All animals must be licensed and fully inoculated in accordance with applicable federal, state, Guilford County, and/or City of Greensboro regulations. With limited exceptions for Assistance Animals described below, the burden of proving current valid licensure and current inoculation status is on the owner/handler. Flea control must be maintained and documented, where applicable.


Animal fecal matter deposited on or in University Property must be removed immediately and disposed of properly by the owner/handler. The burden is on the owner/handler to arrange for removal of fecal matter if they are personally unable to perform the task.


Damage to University Property, or any other property on campus, that is caused by the animal, is the sole and complete responsibility of the owner/handler, including any costs for replacement and/or repairs.


The University may remove or require the removal of any animal on or in University Property if the animal is reasonably deemed to pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others, is not housebroken, or otherwise disrupts the use for which the particular University Property is intended.

  • If any animal is reasonably deemed by University officials to be a direct threat to the health or safety of any person, or to any other animal, then that animal may be moved to a safe place, which may include removal from University Property, in any manner deemed necessary by University officials. Such action may be taken even if the animal posing a threat would otherwise be permitted on or in University Property under this policy. Members of the University community should immediately report such animals to the University Police.


Animals found unattended or abandoned may be humanely impounded in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Any such animals on University Property should be reported to University Police.


Animals may be left in vehicles parked on University Property for a brief period of time, as long as the animal is not endangered and does not endanger others or create a public nuisance. In the event of endangerment to the animal or others, or public nuisance, as may be determined reasonable by University law enforcement officials or any animal control officer, law enforcement officer, fire fighter, or rescue squad worker, the animal’s handler/owner is subject to citation and the animal may be humanely impounded. In order to protect the health and safety of an animal, any animal control officer, law enforcement officer, fire fighter, or rescue squad worker, who has probable cause to believe that an animal is confined in a motor vehicle, crate or other space under conditions that are reasonably likely to cause suffering, injury, or death to the animal due to heat, cold, lack of adequate ventilation, or other endangering conditions, may enter by any reasonable means under the circumstances after making reasonable effort to locate the owner or other person responsible for the animal. Members of the University community who observe animals confined in such circumstances should immediately contact University Police.


Pets may be allowed on University Property in limited circumstances under the HRL Live-in Professional Staff Pet policy. To the extent any provision in the Live-in Professional Staff Pet policy is inconsistent with this policy, this policy shall control.

5.2Assistance Animals


Except in very limited circumstances, Service Animals are permitted to accompany people with disabilities in all areas of UNCG’s facilities where members of the University community and general public are allowed to go, including University housing. In accordance with the ADA, UNCG does not require documentation, such as proof that the animal has been certified, trained, or licensed as a Service Animal.

Students accompanied by a Service Animal on campus and who need academic accommodations should connect with OARS.


Employees who require the use of an Assistance Animal must submit a request for a reasonable accommodation through HR.


A Service Animal in Training may be brought on or into University Property for the purpose of training when the animal is accompanied by a person who is training the animal. The animal must be under the control of the owner/trainer, non-disruptive, and housebroken prior to coming on University Property.


If an individual’s need for a Service Animal and/or the qualifications of the animal are not obvious, the owner/handler may be asked only the following: (a) whether the animal is required because of the owner’s/handler’s disability; and (b) what work or task(s) the animal has been individually trained to perform. They may not be asked about the nature of their disability, nor for a demonstration of the task the service animal is trained to perform.


Emotional Support Animals are generally not allowed to accompany persons with disabilities throughout campus. Before an Emotional Support Animal can move into University housing with a person with a disability, a request must be timely submitted to OARS, and approval must be granted. To receive a special housing accommodation for an Emotional Support Animal, a student must do the following:

  • Connect with OARS;
  • Provide OARS with documentation supporting their request for a special housing accommodation; and
  • Complete the “Request for Special Housing Accommodation” form.

f a student is approved for an Emotional Support Animal, they will be invited to a meeting to review and sign their Emotional Support Animal agreement and bring the animal into their assigned on-campus housing unit (bedroom). To the extent the Special Housing Accommodation procedures are inconsistent with this policy, this policy shall control.


If a student with a disability needs to have an Emotional Support Animal accompany them to interior campus spaces, they must seek advance approval for a reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. Students must request approval from OARS. All such requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis consistent with applicable laws.


Therapy Animals are permitted on campus where a unit determines their presence may be beneficial in the course of University business and must be approved by the head of that unit, in consultation with appropriate University administrators. Therapy Animals must be formally certified or registered through a nationally recognized and insured nonprofit organization such as Pet Partners or Alliance of Therapy Dogs.


An individual with a disability will not be required to: (1) pay a surcharge related to the use of an Assistance Animal, even if other people accompanied by animals are required to pay fees; or (2) comply with other requirements generally not applicable to people without animals.

5.3Responsibilities of People Using Assistance Animals


People using the services of an Assistance Animal will ensure that the animal is housebroken (i.e., trained so that it controls its waste elimination, absent of illness or accident) and will keep the Assistance Animal under control by a harness, leash, or other tether, where relevant, unless the person is unable to hold those, or such use would interfere with a Service Animal’s performance of work or tasks. In such instances, the Service Animal’s owner/handler must keep the animal under control by voice, signals, or other effective means.


People using the services of an Assistance Animal are solely responsible for all costs associated with the care and supervision of the animal.


People using the services of an Assistance Animal must do so in compliance with ADA regulations or other applicable law. It is a Class 3 misdemeanor under North Carolina law “to disguise an animal as a service animal or service animal in training.” N.C.G.S. § 168-4.5. In other words, it is a crime under North Carolina law to attempt to obtain access for an animal under the false pretense that it is a Service Animal.


Should a person with a disability who needs an Assistance Animal fail to uphold these responsibilities, the animal may be removed from University Property. An Assistance Animal may be removed from University Property if:

  • The animal is reasonably determined to be out of control and effective action is not taken by the animal’s owner/handler to control it;
  • The animal’s waste is not being properly disposed of:
  • The animal is damaging University Property or other property on campus that does not belong to the owner/handler;
  • The animal reasonably appears to pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others;
  • The animal’s presence or behavior fundamentally alters the nature of the programs, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of University Property; or
  • The animal is not being properly cared for by its owner/handler.

In the event that removal of an Assistance Animal is determined to be necessary, the person with a disability will still be given the opportunity to participate in the service, program, or activity without having the Assistance Animal present. If a person with a disability remains on or in University Property after their animal is properly excluded pursuant to this policy, it is that person’s responsibility to make arrangements for the animal’s removal as well as for its care and supervision once it is no longer on or in University Property.

5.4Violations of the Policy


To report the presence of an animal in violation of this Policy, call UNCG Police at (336)-334-4444 (emergency) or (336)334-5963 (non-emergency), or use the Spartan Safe Mobile Safety App.


Persons who fail or refuse to comply with this policy may, consistent with law, this policy, and any other applicable University polices or procedures, be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, being partially or totally barred from bringing or keeping animals on or in University Property.


6.1Assistance and Reporting Information


  • needing an an Assistance Animal on campus and/or in University Housing or
  • reporting a concern about disability discrimination or harassment should contact:
    • Office of Accessibility Resources and Services, 215 Elliott University Center, Telephone: 336-334-5440, Email:oars.uncg.edu

6.1.2Faculty and Staff

  • needing an an Assistance Animal on campus and/or in University Housing or
  • reporting a concern about disability discrimination or harassment should contact:
    • UNCG Human Resources, 723 Kenilworth Street, Telephone: 336-334-5009, Email: [email protected]


  • without a University affiliation with questions about bringing an Assistance Animal to campus or reporting discrimination or harassment should complete this form, and the appropriate campus office will respond
  • reporting any animal in University housing that is reasonably disruptive, out of control, or may pose a threat to safety should contact
    • Housing and Residence Life Office, Ragsdale / Mendenhall Residence Hall, Telephone: 336-334-4222, Email: [email protected]
  • reporting any animal elsewhere on campus that is reasonably disruptive, out of control or may pose a threat to safety OR
  • experiencing an emergency, such as an animal that poses an immediate danger to health and safety should contact:
    • UNCG Police Department, 1200 West Gate City Boulevard, Telephone: Emergency – 911 or 336-334-4444 or 336-334-5963 (Non-Emergency), email: [email protected]

6.3Related Policies


Revision Date Revision Summary
12/12/2022 Update of "Guide Animals, Trained Assistance. Animals, Emotional Support Animals, Pet Animals on Campus Grounds and Facilities" to match current campus practice
08/30/2023 Non-substantive edits completed

- Animals on Campus Grounds and in Campus Facilities. Retrieved 07/27/2024. Official version at https://policy.uncg.edu/university_policies/animals-on-campus/. Copyright © 2024 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.