
UNC Greensboro must have a clear, consistent, cohesive identity supported across digital channels by a coordinated, managed approach to platforms, content, and message. The purpose of this policy is to support effective digital communications, which are fundamental to effective engagement, and require robust, extensive – and in some cases complicated tools and interactions – by establishing a governance structure that enables, supports and maintains governance across “traditional” web properties, mobile applications, and other emerging communication platforms. This governance structure will:

  • Define decision-making hierarchy
  • Assign decision-making authority
  • Ensure accountability for content, implementation, and activation across a decentralized organization to ensure that primary audiences are effectively engaged, and that content and services are updated regularly, and
  • Enable enforcement of requirements to ensure a consistent, cohesive, and effective execution of web/mobile communications and services. This includes branding (message, look and feel, design), content hierarchy, technology platform selection, and other essential decisions.


This policy, and the governance structure outlined herein, address overarching, University-wide issues relating to the overall look, feel, function, maintenance, and regulatory compliance of the University website, mobile application, and other digital communication avenues, to include branding/messaging, prioritization of information/hierarchy, service requirements, technical issues/requests, etc. This policy does not govern day-to-day content decisions as assigned to functional areas within the University.

ITS and University Communications are responsible for collaboratively maintaining the overall standards, procedures, and guidelines relevant to this policy. Functional units, such as colleges, schools, and divisions, are charged with day-to-day content decisions and will provide input on operating requirements to ensure effective, on-going web and mobile activities.

3.Definitions and Roles and Responsibilities


3.1.1Functional Unit

Any operational segment of the University including Centers, Departments, Institutes, Offices, Schools or Divisions

3.1.2Web and Mobile Operating Committee (WAMO)

Provides oversight for institutional web and mobile platforms to ensure a clear, consistent and cohesive online presence, and a coordinated, managed approach to platforms, content and message across all key digital channels

3.1.3Data Governance Committee

Responsible for implementing data management best practices and policies to define and maintain institutional data standards that ensure the accuracy, consistency, trustworthiness, usability and security of UNCG’s institutional data assets.

3.1.4Executive Steering Committee

Responsible for all major IT decision-making for the University and provides guidance, as well as sets IT priorities to enable the University to balance its improvement goals with available resources in alignment with the University’s strategic goals and mission

3.1.5Content Management System (CMS)

Software application(s) used to facilitate creation and management of digital content including websites

3.2Roles and Responsibilities


The Chancellor has ultimate authority over any decisions related to the online (web/mobile) presence, services, and content for UNC Greensboro.

3.2.2Executive Steering Committee

The Executive Steering Committee will have strategic decision-making authority as needed.

3.2.3Web and Mobile Operating Committee (WAMO)

The Web and Mobile Operating Committee (WAMO) serves as the primary decisionmaking group for digital communications strategy and operations issues.

WAMO is led by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Learning Technology and Customer Success and the Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications and is accountable to the Executive Steering Committee.

The WAMO will include representation from the following areas:

  • University Communications
  • ITS
  • Student Affairs
  • UNCG Strategy/Chancellor’s Office
  • University Athletics
  • Finance and Administration
  • Division of Student Success
  • Research and Engagement
  • UNCG Online
  • Web Accessibility
  • Admissions/Enrollment Management
  • Advancement/Alumni Affairs Framework

WAMO decision-making operates using the following approach:

  • University Communications is ultimately responsible for university-level brand, message and design decisions.
  • Information Technology Services is ultimately responsible for technical standards and operations.
  • Units are ultimately responsible for their specific content, functionality, services, and updates in accordance with University mandates.
  • Given the nature of web/mobile communications, the WAMO Committee must be able to act quickly. This means that unless otherwise required, most strategic decisions will not be escalated beyond the WAMO. and Oversight

WAMO Responsibilities include:

  1. Approving the standards for appearance and content of the University online presence, including coordination with the Web Accessibility Coordinator, that must be met by each University Unit/Department with an online presence.
  2. Advising the UNCG administration and Chancellor’s Executive Staff on issues related to the University online presence and proposing any policies and procedures that should be considered relating to the University online presence.
  3. Maintaining a list of individuals responsible for the University’s digital (web & mobile app) content and receiving an annual statement of assurance from those responsible that all digital content has been reviewed, is current and compliant.
  4. Providing guidance and standards, including accessibility, for University staff on appropriate use of online technologies.
  5. Working with the Data Governance Committee as needed to address issues dealing with the use or collection of University data via online services or applications.
  6. Helping to promote the University online presence to campus and external constituencies, as appropriate.
  7. Monitoring national and international internet issues and new capabilities and services that may be of interest and benefit to the University online presence and proposing implementation in the UNCG external online presence as appropriate.
  8. Ensuring that all digital communications adhere to the approved standards for appearance and content, including accessibility.

WAMO will meet one time per month to address any significant strategic or operational issues related primarily to UNCG.edu websites, the UNCG mobile app and the University’s overall digital presence and relevant emerging technologies.

3.2.4Campus Community

All members of the university community are responsible for reporting inaccurate, outdated, inappropriate, or poorly developed web content. Such reports may be delivered through a Web and Mobile Operating Committee Member to the full committee.



All official digital content channels representing the University must conform to approved standards, and governance processes to ensure consistency where possible. This includes but is not limited to:

  • UNCG.edu websites
  • Websites using other University-owned domains
  • University-owned Mobile Apps
  • Mass Email and Texting
  • Social Media
  • Video and Television
  • Podcasts
  • Digital displays on campus or those owned by the University
  • Digital Marketing Analytics

4.2Content and Design

The Office of University Communications is responsible for upholding the brand in the overall design, the consistency of imagery, and the tone of voice that is reflected throughout UNCG’s digital presence. The WAMO is empowered to instruct units to change items that don’t conform to brand standards and this digital governance policy.

Major content and design changes must be done in consultation with UNCG policies and guidelines. Departments/Divisions/Units can obtain training and support through the Office of University Communications, ITS, and the WAMO. Major design elements that affect the brand will be locked within the Content Management System (CMS) to prevent accidental alteration. Any changes to these elements should be discussed and approved by the WAMO prior to development and should meet any relevant technical standards.

If the WAMO determines that a portion of the UNCG website or social media account has been abandoned (i.e., no active updates), a member of the team will attempt to find an appropriate owner or alert the unit head. If that step cannot be completed and the content is outdated or redundant, it may be removed.

All digital content must be kept current and reviewed at least annually.

4.3Technology and CMS

UNCG shall run a single web CMS platform for official UNCG.edu websites; any alternative web hosting platforms should be approved by WAMO prior to selection.

Information Technology Services is responsible for maintaining the CMS platform and training.

4.4Distributed Web Responsibilities

Web managers are those who have been assigned the responsibility of managing their website throughout UNCG and are therefore responsible for their unit’s digital presence in accordance with relevant standards and procedures.

The WAMO will work with unit heads to ensure an appropriate web manager has been designated. WAMO strongly encourages an organizational structure in which web managers report to a dean, department head, or director.

5.Compliance and Enforcement

The WAMO will manage overall digital communications strategy and implementation across platforms and functions, reporting to the Executive Steering Committee and with authority to enforce relevant standards and procedures as needed. Information Technology Services will operate and monitor UNCG’s digital communications platforms and will enforce technical standards. University Communications will enforce graphic and content standards. Standards will be enforced through official procedures that may include removal of content, delays to implementation, or other mechanisms.

WAMO may grant exceptions or revised standards/procedures if needed.

6.Additional Information


6.4Approval Authority

  • Chancellor
  • Executive Steering Committee

6.5Contacts for Additional Information and Reporting

  • Interim Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications, Kimberly Osborne, [email protected], 336.334.4314
  • Associate Vice Chancellor for Learning Technology and Customer Success, Todd Sutton, [email protected], 336.256.1305

- Digital Communications. Retrieved 07/27/2024. Official version at https://policy.uncg.edu/university_policies/digital-communications/. Copyright © 2024 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.