
The primary purpose of the facilities at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (herein “UNCG” or “the University”) is to carry out the educational mission of the University. As a public institution, UNCG also seeks to reach out and be accessible to the larger community. To the extent that space is available, the University welcomes community groups and organizations to utilize our facilities for purposes compatible with the University’s mission.

This policy sets priorities for facility usage, defines scheduling procedures, and establishes charges associated with event management and facility usage. Questions about this policy should be referred to the Dean of the Division of Continual Learning (336) 315-7044.


This policy governs the temporary usage of UNCG-owned [1] buildings and grounds (referred to herein as “facilities”) in connection with on-campus events and activities. This policy also applies to off-campus facilities owned by UNCG including Piney Lake and Gateway University Research Park.

Reference should also be made to any policies and procedures governing the particular facility being used.[2] In case of conflict between this policy and the policies and procedures governing a particular facility, the latter shall prevail unless it leads to a result that is unlawful or violates any UNCG policy or code provision of the University of North Carolina including UNCG’s Policy on Discriminatory Conduct. At all times, UNCG retains the right to determine which activities are lawful and appropriate in UNCG facilities.

The specific terms and conditions of each approved use of University facilities shall be set forth in a Facility Use Agreement to be negotiated between UNCG and the requesting party (the “Agreement”). This policy shall be incorporated into the Agreement as an Addendum.


  1. University departments or units are component parts of UNCG.
  2. Student groups are those that have received official recognition through the Office of Campus Activities and Programs.
  3. University affiliated groups or units are other groups or units that exist for the sole purpose of advancing UNCG and that have been formally recognized as such by UNCG – for example, alumni groups.
  4. Unaffiliated groups are all other groups that have not been formally recognized by UNCG in any capacity.
  5. Event Managers are personnel that have been designated by UNCG with the responsibility to coordinate and manage all elements of an event.
  6. Reserving Offices are offices that have been designated by UNCG to work with Event Managers and/or faculty to reserve specified facilities; they do reservations only, not coordination or event management.
  7. Building Managers are individuals with designated responsibility for the management of one or more University facilities.

4.Categories of Facility Use

Uses of University facilities can be divided into three broad categories:

  1. University Activities (Group A) – Group A events include:
    1. University academic activities, which carry out the instructional and research mission of the University, e.g., classes, performances as part of class requirements, and faculty meetings relating to UNCG curriculum and research.
    2. Other University activities, which include other programs that are regular and normal functions of a UNCG department, student group, or university-affiliated unit, e.g., alumni and donor events sponsored by University Advancement.
  2. University Events with Fees, and University-Related Events (Group B) – Group B events include:
    1. Events such as workshops, conferences, seminars, or camps that are planned by UNCG departments and student groups that charge a participation fee or require membership in an unaffiliated group.
    2. Meetings, conferences, seminars, and programs that involve a University or University-affiliated group or unit and an unaffiliated cosponsoring group, such as a professional association or organization – where the event is consistent with the stated mission of UNCG. Professional associations are classified as unaffiliated groups, even though UNCG faculty and staff may be members.
    3. Meetings, etc., organized by North Carolina state government agencies.
  3. External Events (Group C) – Group C events include any programs or activities originating from an unaffiliated group.

5.Categories of Facility Use

Uses of University facilities can be divided into three broad categories:

5.1University Activities (Group A) – Group A events include:

  1. University academic activities, which carry out the instructional and research mission of the University, e.g., classes, performances as part of class requirements, and faculty meetings relating to UNCG curriculum and research.
  2. Other University activities, which include other programs that are regular and normal functions of a UNCG department, student group, or university-affiliated unit, e.g., alumni and donor events sponsored by University Advancement.

5.2University Events with Fees, and University-Related Events (Group B) – Group B events include:

  1. Events such as workshops, conferences, seminars, or camps that are planned by UNCG departments and student groups that charge a participation fee or require membership in an unaffiliated group.
  2. Meetings, conferences, seminars, and programs that involve a University or University-affiliated group or unit and an unaffiliated cosponsoring group, such as a professional association or organization – where the event is consistent with the stated mission of UNCG. Professional associations are classified as unaffiliated groups, even though UNCG faculty and staff may be members.
  3. Meetings, etc., organized by North Carolina state government agencies.

5.3External Events (Group C) –

Group C events include any programs or activities originating from an unaffiliated group.

6.Scheduling Priorities

The scheduling of academic classes has the highest priority on state-funded facility space. Once the calendar process for Group A events is complete, space will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for Group B events and then C events. As a rule, once space has been reserved and confirmed, groups will not be moved.

7.Division of Continual Learning

The role of the Division of Continual Learning (DCL) is as follows:

  1. DCL will serve as a portal for unaffiliated groups; if an unaffiliated group does not know whom to contact regarding holding an event on campus, it should initially contact DCL at (336) 315-7044.
  2. DCL will serve as a pass-through for reservation requests; however, reservations and event management should be done by the Event Manager and personnel of the appropriate Reserving Office for each facility.
  3. DCL personnel will serve as Event Manager only when no Event Manager has been designated.

8.Event Managers

Significant events are best managed by offices with the staff and experience to handle the range of challenges associated with such events. Planning successful events requires special experience, and events management takes time away from faculty and staff’s other responsibilities. The Chancellor’s Executive Staff therefore urges everyone to consider the advantages of retaining an Event Manager. Some Reserving Offices, due to the nature of their facilities, may require the services of a designated Event Manager. A designated Event Manager may also be required based on the classification of the event.

8.1Designated Event Managers for any event in any University facility:

Event ManagerTelephone
Alumni Affairs334-5592
Bryan School – Executive Education334-3088
Continual Learning315-7742
School of Education – Center for Educational Studies and Development334-3401
Spartan Athletics334-5213
Elliott University Center334-5800
School of Music, Theatre and Dance334-5789
University Relations334-3783
Office of Research and Economic Development334-4623

8.2Designated Event Managers for their own events in the University facility which they occupy:

Event ManagerTelephone
Campus Recreation334-5924
Dining Services334-4101
Alumni House256-1466
Moore Humanities & Research Administration Building334-4623

8.3Group A Events

University units may choose to coordinate the event on their own by using the Event Planning Checklist (PDF: requires a reader such as Adobe Reader), or have one of the designated Event Managers from the list above handle the arrangements for an appropriate administrative fee.

8.4Group B Events

If a Group B event involves four or more of the following characteristics, a designated Event Manager must be used:

  1. Multi-day events
  2. Events with 300 or more attendees
  3. Events held on Saturday or Sunday
  4. Events that include external vendors (i.e., exhibitors)
  5. Events that require campus police presence
  6. Events that use more than one room
  7. Events requiring food service
  8. Events requiring on-campus parking
  9. Events requiring audiovisual and/or other equipment

For smaller events, retaining an Event Manager may be advisable to provide consistent, high-quality experiences for participants. The information to determine if an Event Manager is necessary is part of the Space Reservation Form (PDF: requires a reader such as Adobe Reader) provided by the Reserving Office. If the Reserving Office does not require a designated Event Manager, University units may coordinate the event on their own by using the Event Planning Checklist (PDF: requires a reader such as Adobe Reader).

8.5Group C Events

All external events must be coordinated through a designated Event Manager. Groups without a prior relationship to UNCG should contact or be directed to the Division of Continual Learning. Any external group calling to use space where there is an Event Manager should contact the appropriate office from the list above.

9.Reserving Offices

9.1Group A and B Events

Each Reserving Office has the responsibility to ensure that the requested space is suitable for the event. The information requested on the Space Reservation Form (PDF: requires a reader such as Adobe Reader) should be provided to the Reserving Office as part of the reserving process. A room is not reserved until a confirmation is received. If a confirmation of an event has not been received within 3-5 business days, please contact the Reserving Office. Any questions about reserving procedures should be directed to the appropriate Reserving Office:

University FacilitiesReserving OfficeTelephone
All classrooms and all other academic spaces not specified in this tableUniversity Registrar334-5946
Alumni HouseAlumni Office334-5592
Athletic Facilities – Baseball Stadium, softball stadium and soccer stadiumFacilities and Communication Manager – HHS (Internal – UNCG Groups)
Intercollegiate Athletics (External – Non UNCG Groups)

Athletic Facilities – Fleming Gymnasium, 2 court gym, tennis courtsIntercollegiate Athletics937-0334
Aycock AuditoriumAssistant Director
Aycock Auditorium
Dining HallDirector of Dining Services334-5195
Elliott University Center and adjoining exterior areaDirector of Elliott University Center334-5800
Exterior Areas such as lawns, Peabody Park, etc.Director of Elliott University Center334-5800
Faculty CenterDirector of Elliott University Center334-5800
Gateway University Research ParkExecutive Director375-9232
HHP Building (except for Fleming Gymnasium and classrooms), golf course, and swimming poolAssistant to the Dean, Health and Human Sciences334-5675
Moore Humanities and Research AdministrationExecutive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor of Research and Economic Development256-0426
Mossman Building LobbyUniversity Registrar334-4619
Music Building (except for classrooms)Associate Dean of Music, Theater and Dance334-5789
Piney LakeAssistant Director of Campus Recreation for Informal Recreation & Student Development334-5924
Residence Halls and common areasDirector of Housing and Residence Life334-5636
Student Recreation Center, recreational fields south of Walker Ave., and outdoor basketball and sand volleyball courts and pavilionAssistant Director of Campus Recreation for Informal Recreation & Student Development334-5924
Tennis courtsAssistant Athletic Director for Facilities & Game Operations209-3308
Weatherspoon Art MuseumExecutive Assistant334-4297
Other telephone numbersContinual Learning315-7742

9.2Group C Events

All external groups must work through their designated Event Manager to reserve the requested space. The Division of Continual Learning will provide initial information and determine which Event Manager can best meet the group’s needs.


  1. Categories of Charges
    Events held in UNCG facilities may be charged
    1. Charges for direct costs such as catering, parking, public safety, housekeeping, piano tuning. For events at exterior University venues, there might also be charges for grounds staff and waste management staff.
    2. Administrative fees for services provided by the designated Event Managers.
    3. Facility use fees for maintenance of state-supported facilities and for maintenance of fee-supported facilities.
    4. Additional charges may be incurred if there is damage to the facility or for failure to clean up after an event.

Group B
Group C
Charges for direct costsAt CostAt CostAt Cost
Administrative fees if coordinated by a designated Event ManagerNone28%33% for state agencies;
40% for other groups
Facility Use FeeNoneNoneRental Fee Chart
  1. Fee Restrictions
    Designated Event Managers are the only personnel authorized to charge an administrative fee for organizing an event. Reserving Offices may charge only for direct services, not facility or administrative fees. Once an Event Manager is retained to develop a budget or plan for the event, the requesting party must pay a specified base fee, even if the event is subsequently canceled. Event Managers will retain all administrative fees collected.
  2. Collection of Fees
    Event Managers (or the Reserving Office if there is not an Event Manager) are responsible for ensuring that facility fees and all other charges are paid in advance of the event. In the case of co-sponsored University Related Events, the Reserving Office is responsible for seeing that all charges are paid in advance of the event.


Safety involves legal and moral responsibilities. It is the responsibility of the Event Manager (or the sponsoring department, if a designated Event Manager is not being used) to ensure that an event is held in a safe environment. Depending on the size, nature, and location of the event, different safety precautions are to be followed. Some facilities have designated Building Managers to work with; other facilities do not. If the building being used has a designated Building Manager, the Event Manager/sponsoring department will work with that person to ensure all safety requirements are met. If there is no Building Manager, the Event Manager/sponsoring department must contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety for any of the safety concerns listed in the safety section of the Event Planning Checklist (PDF: requires a reader such as Adobe Reader). For safety reasons, among others, departments are encouraged to use the services of designated Event Managers.

12.Insurance and Indemnification

  1. Comprehensive Liability Insurance

    1. All unaffiliated groups using University facilities shall provide a certificate of insurance, written by a company licensed to do business in the State of North Carolina, listing the University as an additional insured. This would include all Group C events, and unaffiliated co-sponsoring organizations in Group B events.
    2. Coverage will not be less than:

      1. Bodily injury $1,000,000 per occurrence; $3,000,000 aggregate.
      2. $100,000 property damage per occurrence.
    3. The University reserves the right to require the requesting party to provide additional insurance based on the specific nature of the event. Property Damage coverage of $100,000 may be waived for very low risk activities if approved by the University’s Office of Enterprise Risk Management, in consultation with the University’s Counsel.
    4. Group C proof of insurance will be handled through the designated Event Manager or through the Division of Continual Learning. Where there is not an Event Manager for a Group B event, the UNCG sponsoring department must see that unaffiliated cosponsoring organizations send proof of insurance to the Reserving Office, as specified in the Event Planning Checklist. Failure to do so could result in cancellation of the event.
  2. Specified Hazard Insurance
    Programs that charge a fee, such as camps, workshops, or conferences, where UNCG full or part-time staff (paid or volunteer) will be supervising minors must carry Specified Hazard Insurance (accident/medical). This coverage must be purchased through the Office of Enterprise Risk Management at nominal rates.

  3. Indemnification
    All agreements with unaffiliated organizations will include a section requiring that the University be indemnified and held harmless from all liability, loss, damage, costs and all other claims for expenses asserted against the University that may arise during or result from the approved use.

13.Videotaping, Filmmaking, and Commercial Photography

All unaffiliated groups desiring to undertake videotaping, filmmaking, or commercial photography on UNCG’s campus must direct their requests to the Division of Continual Learning in accordance with the Division of Continual Learning’s Film and Visual Representation Guidelines (PDF: requires a reader such as Adobe Reader). These guidelines must not conflict with the Facility Use Policy. UNCG faculty, staff, and students shooting films or still photography on campus should follow procedures and protocol set forth by the Department of Media Studies (PDF: requires a reader such as Adobe Reader). These policies must not conflict with the Facility Use Policy.

14.Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather or Emergency

When University classes are cancelled due to adverse weather (such as ice and/or snow, or other conditions) or emergency conditions, all special events scheduled to be held on University property will be cancelled as well — whether they are on campus or off campus and whether they are for internal or external groups. The local media will be requested to broadcast the campus closure as a public service message. In addition, the University’s adverse weather number (334-4400) or website (http://spartanalert.uncg.edu/) may be accessed for up-to-date campus closure information. Cancelled events can be rescheduled by contacting the appropriate office.

This cancellation clause does not pertain to regularly scheduled UNCG athletic events involving UNCG teams.


Any violation of this policy by faculty or staff may be considered “misconduct” under EPA policies (faculty and EPA non-faculty) and “unacceptable personal conduct” under SPA policies, including any appeal rights stated therein. Violations of law may also be referred for criminal or civil prosecution.


The Dean of the Division of Continual Learning will periodically review this policy as necessary.


Comments or questions? Email the Policy Administrator.


Revision Date Revision Summary

- Facility Use Policy. Retrieved 10/12/2024. Official version at https://policy.uncg.edu/university_policies/facility-use-policy/. Copyright © 2024 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.