
The purpose of this procedure is to provide clear and specific guidance to Home Departments, Home Department Managers, and Distributed IT Personnel on their responsibilities to Central IT for joint management of Distributed IT Personnel as required by the UNCG Centralized University Information Technology Personnel Oversight policy.


The following procedures provide a structure for managing Distributed IT Personnel across the university with care, and to establish a unified university technology management framework while preserving Home Department autonomy.  These procedures specifically, and distinctly, address existing personnel (filled positions), vacant positions, and the creation of new positions.

Note: Definitions, Roles, and Responsibilities are provided in the University policy entitled, “Distributed Information Technology Personnel Policy” as concurrently adopted and as may be amended from time to time. 

  1. Existing Distributed IT Personnel (filled positions)
    • Home Department IT Managers are required to consult with the assigned Dotted-Line Central IT Manager prior to beginning performance management, any disciplinary actions, and the annual evaluation process for Distributed IT positions.  Home Department IT Managers are also responsible for coordinating these necessary communications with their Human Resources Business Partner and shall ensure that the Dotted-Line Central IT Manager is apprised of these communications.  If there is a need to adjust the salary or position classification, related specifically to Distributed IT position duties and responsibilities the procedure outlined below for vacant and new positions will be initiated.
  2. Vacant and Creation of New Distributed IT Personnel Positions
    • Central IT will work in close partnership with the requesting Home Department and Home Department IT Manager to provide a final recommendation to HR on vacant and new Distributed IT positions requests within a 4-week decision turnaround time as outlined below. The close collaborative partnership between Central IT and Home Departments will facilitate the 4-week turnaround by engaging with the assigned Dotted-Line Central IT Manager to build a technology management plan that meets the Home Department’s technology support needs.  To ensure an efficient and effective process, Home Departments requesting any new Distributed IT position or authority to fill a vacant Distributed IT position are encouraged to:
      • engage Central IT as a planning partner well-before (as soon as possible, but no later than 4 weeks in advance of) the desired hire date,
      • clearly articulate desired position duties and responsibilities in the context of department needs, provide a draft position description to Central IT for review as a first step (at least 4 weeks before the desired hiring process start date), and
      • accommodate follow-up Central IT discussion requests in a timely manner to clarify information as required.
    • After receiving a request for a new position or authority to fill a vacant Distributed IT position from a Home Department, the Dotted-Line Central IT Manager will consult with the Home Department IT Manager to develop a comprehensive understanding of the desired position duties and responsibilities and the Home Department’s technology support needs, as well as clearly defining any non-IT position duties and responsibilities
    • Central IT Administration will then evaluate these needs to ensure the request is aligned with university technology needs and interests and arrive at one of three possible outcomes:
      • progressed for hire in the Home Department,
      • progressed for hire in Central IT in order to provide centrally managed support to the requesting Home Department
        • in limited cases (and in consultation with the Home Department) where the desired position responsibilities duplicate technology management functionality that the University has already invested in building within Central ITS, the position line and salary will be moved to Central ITS and Central ITS will assume full responsibility for meeting the Home Department’s technology support needs, or
      • not progressed
      • cases where the desired position responsibilities duplicate technology management functionality the University has already invested in building within Central ITS and Central ITS is adequately staffed to meet the Home Department technology support needs without hiring additional personnel, or where the requesting Home Department needs can be met in a more cost effective and sustainable manner by some other staffing solution.
    • For those positions that will progress for hire, the Dotted-Line Central IT Manager will work in close partnership with the Home Department and Home Department IT Manager to create and/or modify the position description and recruiting materials
    • After consultation with the Home Department, the Dotted-Line Central IT Manager will make a final recommendation to HR regarding the technology needs of the department, to assist with HR’s position classification and salary range.
    • These steps must be completed prior to requesting any other approvals that may be needed under established Human Resources processes.
    • The Home Department will engage Central IT as an active partner in the search, interview and hiring process for Distributed IT positions.
  3. Exceptions
    • The Vice Chancellor of Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer (CIO), or their designate, shall have the sole authority to make exceptions to this procedure. Such exceptions must be consistent with the relevant Federal, State, and University policies and procedures and include the documented rationale by the Vice Chancellor of Information Technology Services.

4.Procedure Owners

  • Vice Chancellor for Information Technology & Chief Information Officer
  • Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources

5.Review Cycle

This procedure shall be reviewed at least once every three years or as the procedure is modified.

- IT position Management Procedure. Retrieved 07/27/2024. Official version at https://policy.uncg.edu/university_policies/human-resources-and-information-technology-services-it-position-management-procedure/. Copyright © 2024 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.