
The purpose of this policy is to establish requirements that govern the safe operation and use of Micromobility Transportation Devices on University Property, which will provide an opportunity for the University community to work and learn in a safe environment, with multiple alternative transportation options available.


This policy applies to all users of Micromobility Transportation Devices on University Property, including University community members, contractors, and visitors, whether using a personally owned device or one owned by a Micromobility Service.

3.Definitions and Roles


4.1.1Abandoned Device:

Any Micromobility Transportation Device which has remained in the same location on University Property for two weeks or more and which also has any combination of missing or broken parts, cobwebs, flat tire(s), a rusted chain, or other indications of neglect or disrepair.


A non-motorized vehicle with two (2) or three (3) wheels tandem, a steering handle, one (1) or two (2) saddle seats, and pedals by which the vehicle is propelled, or an electric assisted bicycle, as defined in G.S. 20-4.01(7a). (1977, c. 1123, s. 1; 2016-90, s. 13(c)).

4.1.3Improperly Parked Device:

Any Micromobility Transportation Device parked or left on University Property which is not located at a designated bicycle rack or in a Micromobility Service parking zone, including but not limited to devices impeding or interfering with access to or use of spaces, or devices attached to benches, light poles, signposts, railings, stairwells, or trees.

4.1.4Micromobility Service:

A publicly offered transportation service that enables a person to obtain short-term access by reservation for point-to-point trips on a Bicycle or Micromobility Vehicle.

4.1.5Micromobility Transportation Device (MTD’s):

Any small, low-speed, human-or electric-powered transportation device or vehicle, including bicycles, scooters, electric-assisted bicycles, electric scooters (e-scooters), and other small, lightweight, wheeled conveyances or other devices given this designation by the University, including but not limited to hoverboards, skateboards, roller skates and inline skates. Wheelchairs and other mobility devices used by persons with disabilities are excluded from this definition.

4.1.6Micromobility Transportation Device Review Board (MTD Review Board):

A board established by the University and comprised of representatives from the University departments or offices named as having roles and responsibilities under this policy, in addition to representatives from Enterprise Risk Management, the Environmental Health and Safety Department, Facilities Design and Construction, and the Office of Sustainability, and which makes certain determinations regarding this policy.

4.1.7Micromobility Vehicle:

A lightweight, electric-powered vehicle with a power supply of less than 750 watts, including electric assisted bicycles and standup electric scooters, but excluding motorcycles, mopeds, golf carts, or similar vehicles.


The part of a street or a pathway improved for pedestrian traffic.


The entire width between property lines of every way or place of whatever nature, when any part thereof is open to the use of the public as a matter of right for the purpose of vehicular traffic.

4.1.10University Property:

The University campus and any other property allocated to or operated, leased, managed, or controlled by the University or any component or affiliated entity thereof, including but not limited to buildings, streets, sidewalks, pathways, parking areas, or other grounds.


4.2.1Facilities Operations:

Responsible for coordination with Parking Operations and Campus Access Management (POCAM) to remove Improperly Parked Devices on University Property and for coordination with the UNCG Police Department to protect University buildings and property from damage by users of MTD’s.

4.2.2Housing and Residence Life:

Responsible for coordination with POCAM to remove Improperly Parked Devices within or immediately surrounding residence halls and for coordination with the UNCG Police Department to protect residence halls and property from damage by users of MTD’s.

4.2.3Human Resources Department:

Responsible for applying appropriate disciplinary action commensurate with the offense for confirmed policy violations by University employees and contractors and responsible for determinations for employees’ medical or disability accommodations for devices.

4.2.4Micromobility Service:

Any Micromobility Service licensed to deploy or allow its registered users to operate on University Property shall require its users to abide by the provisions of this policy and other applicable traffic regulations. The Micromobility Service is responsible for holding its users accountable for abiding by the terms of its rental agreement; for moving violations; for parking violations; and for violations of this policy, University regulations, or other traffic regulations.

If a user is reported and confirmed through tracking technology to be in violation of any of the above, the Micromobility Service shall take action to contact the user and issue the appropriate education, warning, fine, and/or account suspension, whether temporary or permanent, depending upon the severity of the violation and number of previous violations. The Micromobility Service shall coordinate with the University to monitor and report user violations and cooperate with the University on user education and enforcement.

4.2.5MTD Review Board:

Responsible for making determinations regarding 1) requested exceptions to this policy, 2) allowable parking zones on University Property for MTD’s owned by a Micromobility Service, 3) and establishment of slow-ride or no-ride areas for MTD’s.

4.2.6Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS):

Responsible for determinations for students’ and visitors’ medical or disability accommodations for devices.

4.2.7Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR):

Responsible for review and enforcement of student code of conduct violations associated with this policy, after referral from POCAM, the UNCG Police Department, or other University office.

4.2.8Parking Operations and Campus Access Management (POCAM):

Responsible for the oversight of any Micromobility Service licensed to operate on University Property; the registration of personally owned Bicycles and Micromobility Vehicles; the regulations governing the use, parking, and storage of MTD’s outside of University buildings; the enforcement of MTD parking violations; the ticketing, removal, or relocation of Improperly Parked Devices; the removal, temporary impoundment, and disposal of Abandoned Devices; and making determinations related to termination or suspension of permission for a user in violation of this policy to continue operating one or more types of MTD’s on University Property.

POCAM is also responsible for ensuring policy compliance by any Micromobility Service licensed to operate on University Property. In particular, POCAM shall ensure that University students and community members have a reliable mechanism by which to report parking violations for personally owned MTD’s and those owned by a Micromobility Service and that the vendor relocates the reported device within the allotted time specified in its license agreement with the University.

4.2.9UNCG Police Department:

Responsible for enforcing and reporting moving violations and/or other life safety issues for users of MTD’s. In addition to applying appropriate law enforcement measures, the UNCG Police Department shall report moving violations to the appropriate University division, including the OSRR for student violations and the Human Resources Department for University employee and contractor violations. The UNCG Police Department will also report moving violations and accidents involving Bicycles or Micromobility Vehicles owned by a Micromobility Service to that Micromobility Service. The UNCG Police Department is also responsible, in cooperation with Facilities Operations and Housing and Residence Life, for ensuring compliance with this policy with respect to 1) damage to University buildings and property by users of MTD’s and 2) unauthorized electrical usage in University buildings to charge personally owned MTD’s.




Only those Micromobility Services permitted by the City of Greensboro and licensed by the University to provide service are authorized to deploy MTD’s or allow their users/riders to operate on University Property

5.2Operating or Moving Rules of Use for Micromobility Transportation Devices


MTD users/riders shall exercise due care and reasonable caution to prevent injury to others, to self, or to property. Reckless operation whereby the rider demonstrates no concern for the safety of others is an unacceptable use and constitutes a violation of this policy. In particular, MTD users/riders shall:

  1. Yield to pedestrians and individuals using wheelchairs;
  2. Pass only when it is safe to do so and pass to the left when passing any other user on the same surface; and
  3. Avoid heavy pedestrian environments that overflow sidewalks.

5.2.2Allowable Areas of Use:

The table below illustrates where users/riders are permitted to operate certain types of MTD’s for point-to-point transportation purposes on University Property:

Table outlining where users can operate MTDs. 
Types of MTD are listed in the left hand column, categories of places are across the top.  Permission is designated with a green check mark, prohibition designated with a the "no symbol".
This first entry is "User-owned bicycles and micro-mobility vehicles. These are 1. permitted on streets, 2. only permitted on sidewalks as designated by the MTD review board, which is posted on the POCAM website and marked with signage.  They are not permitted in buildings, parking lots and decks on grounds and in other spaces.  The second entry, "Micromobility vehicles that are owned by a Micromobility service".  These are 1. permitted only on designated streets, 2. only permitted on sidewalks as designated by the MTD review board, which is posted on the POCAM website and marked with signage.  They are not permitted in buildings, parking lots and decks on grounds and in other spaces. 
The third entry, "User owned-MTDs which are NOT Bicycles or Micromobility vehicles"  These are 1. not permitted on streets, 2. permitted on sidewalks. 3. not permitted in buildings, parking lots and decks on grounds and in other spaces.
The fourth entry, "Devices required for a medical condition or disability.  "  These are permitted on streets only at designated street crossings and on other on-street areas where pedestrians are allowed to safely walk.  They are permitted on sidewalks, in buildings, parking lots and decks and ground and other spaces.
a. Prohibited except in areas designated by the MTD Review Board, posted on the POCAM website and marked accordingly with signage.
b. Except at designated street crossings and other on-street areas where pedestrians are allowed to safely walk.


MTD users shall obey all State and other applicable traffic regulations, such as riding only on the right side of the road, stopping at traffic signals and stop signs, and yielding to pedestrians, which are in full force and effect on University Property.


While operating on streets, users of Bicycles and Micromobility Vehicles must travel in the same lane of travel and direction as motor vehicles and should use designated bike lanes, where available.


MTD users shall not engage in acrobatics of any kind nor wear or use headphones, earphones, or cellular phones while operating such devices, unless stationary and required for navigational purposes.


Obstacle riding or other acts or maneuvers which may endanger the MTD operator or others or damage property, are prohibited. Obstacles such as University monuments, retaining walls, staircases, ledges, handrails, benches, brick patios, curbs, flower planters, and other structures shall be off limits to MTD riders due to the inherent destruction of property that may result from such activities, and to prevent injury to pedestrians. Certain obstacles may be set up by the University for permitted use outside of parking and pedestrian areas and will be clearly marked for use by MTD riders.


Frictional contact between any part of a skateboard or other MTD and a hardscape or landscape improvement such as a ledge, railing, step, plant, or branch, which is known as “Grinding,” shall be prohibited in order to avoid damage to property.


Users of a device owned by a Micromobility Service may operate (ride) only in designated operating areas and in accordance with the slow-ride and no-ride zones, as defined by the MTD Review Board.

5.3Parking, Registration, and Maintenance Rules for Micromobility Transportation Devices


Bicycles and Micromobility Vehicles owned by a Micromobility Service shall only be parked in parking zones designated by the University and marked for such purpose. The user shall park the device upright in an available Micromobility Service parking zone, and if a specific zone is full, the user shall proceed to a Micromobility Service parking zone that has availability.


MTD’s parked outdoors on University Property that are not in a designated bicycle rack or parking zone will be considered Improperly Parked Devices. Personally owned MTD’s parked in a parking zone designated for use by a Micromobility Service will be considered Improperly Parked Devices.


Parking or storing Bicycles or Micromobility Vehicles in any University building is prohibited, other than in areas designated specifically for this purpose or where otherwise permitted by the University.


Abandoned Devices are not permitted on University Property, whether in a designated bicycle rack, Micromobility Service parking zone, or elsewhere, and are subject to removal, temporary impoundment, and disposal with proper notice in accordance with established standard operating procedures.


Owners of MTD’s are responsible for keeping their devices in good working order and not abandoning or improperly parking their devices on University Property.


Charging an MTD in any University electrical outlet is prohibited, without express written permission from Housing and Residence Life or Facilities Operations or in an area designated specifically for this purpose.

5.Compliance and Enforcement

6.1Policy Violations and Disciplinary Procedures


Any violation of this policy by a University student is subject to the Student Code of Conduct in the Student Policy Handbook. For employees, violation of this policy will be subject to consideration as “misconduct” under EHRA policies (faculty and EHRA non-faculty) or “unacceptable personal conduct” under SHRA policies, including any appeal rights stated therein.


If violation of this policy also results in a violation of law, the violation may also be referred for criminal or civil prosecution.


Violations of this policy may result in termination or suspension of permission for a user to operate one or more types of MTD’s on University Property, where such action is reasonable to protect the safety of others and/or property.


Improperly Parked Devices are subject to ticketing, removal, or relocation.


Abandoned Devices are subject to removal, temporary impoundment, and disposal with proper notice in accordance with POCAM’s established standard operating procedures.

6.2Determination of Eligibility and Exceptions


The University reserves the right to make final determination and approval of requested medical or disability accommodations for devices or exceptions to this policy.

  1. Final determinations for medical or disability accommodations for devices will be made by OARS for students and visitors and by the Human Resources Department for employees.
  2. Exceptions to this policy may be requested in writing to POCAM for review by the MTD Review Board, summarizing the nature and the reason for the exception. Final determinations will be made by the MTD Review Board.

6.Additional Information

7.4Approval Authority


7.5Contaccts for Additional Information and Reporting

  • Responsible Executive: Associate Vice Chancellor for Campus Enterprises and Real Estate
  • Responsible Administrator: Parking Operations and Campus Access Management (POCAM) 336.334.5681 [email protected]


Revision Date Revision Summary
02/01/2018 Initially adopted
09/19/2022 Edited and approved as a University-wide policy

- Micromobility Transportation Devices. Retrieved 07/27/2024. Official version at https://policy.uncg.edu/university_policies/micromobility/. Copyright © 2024 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.