
The purpose of this policy is to set forth reporting requirements for those in The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (the “University”) community who may work or interact with Minors who are visiting University Premises or participating in Youth Programs or other University programs. Further, this policy provides notice to the members of the University community of their duty to immediately report allegations of inappropriate conduct against Minors to the appropriate authorities under the laws of North Carolina.


This policy applies to University students, faculty, staff, and volunteers who may serve as agents of the University in University-Sponsored Youth Programs or External Entity Activities or Programs.


3.1Youth Program:

A “Youth Program” is any event, operation, or endeavor that is (1) operated, conducted, or organized by any unit or organization supported by or affiliated with the University or occurring on University Premises; (2) that includes Minors; and (3) during which parents or legal guardians are not expected to be responsible for the care, custody, or control of the Minors. A Youth Program may be University-Sponsored or sponsored by an external entity but held on University Premises.


A “University-Sponsored” Youth Program is any Youth Program that: (1) the University solely owns and operates; (2) the University jointly operates with another organization; or (3) the University contracts with another organization to provide. University-Sponsored Youth Programs may or may not take place on University Premises.

3.1.2External Entity Activities or Programs:

“External Entity Activities or Programs” are Youth Programs that are offered by an individual or entity that is not affiliated with the University but take place in whole or in part on University Premises. The external entity assumes full responsibility for the supervision of the Minors.


A “Minor” is any person who has not reached the age of 18 years.

3.3Youth Participant:

A “Youth Participant” is a Minor attending a Youth Program.

3.4Program Staff:

“Program Staff” consists of both paid and unpaid individuals who have direct contact with Youth Participants, and may include faculty, staff, students, student employees, graduate assistants, contractors, or volunteers. Program Staff are responsible for (1) planning, teaching, coordinating, and carrying out activities and/or (2) supervision of Youth Participants in the activities or programs. The term “Program Staff” does not include individuals who provide services that are limited in nature (such as a lecture or presentation) who have no direct individual contact with, or oversight of, Youth Participants while providing those limited services to a program.

3.5The Guide for Operating Youth Programs:

The “Guide” contains detailed procedures and guidelines for operating Youth Programs at the University.

3.6University Premises:

“University Premises” are property and/or facilities that are owned, leased, operated, or controlled by the University.


A “volunteer” is any individual working in an unpaid capacity in a Youth Program. Volunteers are subject to the University’s Volunteer Policy and Procedures.

3.8University Compliance Director:

The “University Compliance Director” is an attorney in the Office of Institutional Integrity and General Counsel who is responsible for administering this policy. The University Compliance Director provides compliance approval for Youth Programs, certifying that Youth Programs meet the requirements of this policy and the Guide and, therefore, are approved to operate in affiliation with the University or on University Premises.


It is the policy of the University to take affirmative steps to ensure that allegations of abuse, neglect, and/or criminal or inappropriate conduct perpetrated against Minors are immediately reported to the appropriate State, local, and University authorities.

4.1Duty to Report Under North Carolina Law

4.1.1Reporting Requirement to Local Department of Social Services

Under North Carolina law, any person or institution who has cause to suspect that a Minor is abused, neglected, dependent, or has died as the result of maltreatment1 must immediately report the allegations to the Department of Social Services (“DSS”) in the county where the Minor resides or is found as outlined in N.C.G.S. 7B-301.

The Guilford County DSS is the appropriate contact to file reports for allegations occurring on University Premises located in Greensboro, North Carolina. The UNCG Police Department can assist in providing contact information for reporting to social service agencies, including those jurisdictions outside of Guilford County.

4.1.2Reporting Requirement to Local Law Enforcement Agencies

Under North Carolina law, any person 18 years of age or older who knows, or should have reasonably known, that a Minor has been a victim of a violent offense, sexual offense, or misdemeanor child abuse under N.C.G.S. 14-318.2 must immediately report the allegation to local law enforcement in the county where the Minor resides or is found.

Allegations occurring on University Premises located in Greensboro, North Carolina are to be reported to the UNCG Police Department. Reports to the UNCG Police Department can be made online via https://compliance.uncg.edu/youth-programs/reporting/ or by telephone at 336-334-4444.

4.1.3Reporting Requirement to the University

In addition to North Carolina law requirements, the University requires faculty, staff, students, and volunteers to report allegations of inappropriate conduct, or conduct as outlined in this section 4.1., to the UNCG Police Department if the alleged conduct may have occurred or was observed in connection with activities occurring on University Premises, or while faculty, staff, students, or volunteers participated in University-run or -affiliated activities off University Premises.

4.1.4Content of the Report

Reports made pursuant to this policy and North Carolina law must include all information known to the reporting individual at the time of making the report, including:

  • the name, address, and telephone number of the reporter;
  • the name, address, and age of the Minor;
  • the name and address of the Minor’s parent, guardian, custodian, or caretaker;
  • the name, address, and age of the person who committed the offense or inappropriate conduct against the Minor;
  • the location where the offense was committed;
  • the names and ages of other Minors present or in danger;
  • the present whereabouts of the Minor, if not at the home address;
  • the nature and extent of any injury or condition resulting from the offense or abuse; and
  • any other information the reporter believes might be helpful to authorities assessing or investigating the allegations.

4.2Program Staff Responsibilities


Complete annual training, including child abuse awareness, prevention, and reporting, pursuant to the Youth Programs policy.


In the event of misconduct or allegations of misconduct, in addition to the reporting requirements above, the Program Staff shall:

  • Ensure the safety of Minors participating in Youth Programs by removing Minors from dangerous or potentially dangerous situations;
  • Immediately notify the UNCG Police Department and local DSS and/or local law enforcement agency as outlined above;
  • Immediately restrict any further participation of a person against whom an allegation of misconduct has been made until such allegation has been satisfactorily resolved; and
  • Cooperate with official investigations should they occur.

4.3Compliance Enforcement

4.3.1Penalties and Disciplinary Action

Failure to comply with this policy may result in penalties and disciplinary action at the University as follows:

  • Volunteers are subject to reprimand or loss of volunteer status.
  • Students are subject to disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Faculty, staff and student employees are subject to corrective and/or disciplinary action up to and including termination.
  • Applicable unit-level sanctions.
  • Revocation of the opportunity to use University Premises.
  • Issuance of a no-trespass notice.
  • External entities are subject to punitive actions under the terms of their contract agreement, up to and including termination of the contract.

4.3.2Failure to Report

Failure to report is a class 1 misdemeanor under North Carolina law. Therefore, failure to report, or preventing another person from reporting, will be referred for criminal prosecution and may result in criminal liability. See N.C.G.S. 7B-301, N.C.G.S. 14-318.6, and N.C.G.S. 14-318.2.

4.3.3Good Faith Reporting

North Carolina law provides certain legal protections for anyone who makes a report in good faith or who cooperates with DSS assessments or local law enforcement investigations. See N.C.G.S. 7B-309 and N.C.G.S. 14-318.6. Furthermore, it is the policy of the University that no one making a good faith report of suspected abuse or neglect will be retaliated against in the terms and conditions of employment or participation in an educational program.

5.Additional Information

5.1Related Policies


5.2.1Reporting Requirements

5.2.2Protection for individuals making reports in good faith

5.3Approval Authority

The Chancellors

5.4Contacts for Additional Information and Reporting

  • Responsible Administrator: Office of Institutional Integrity and General Counsel, [email protected], (336) 334-3757
  • Other Contacts: UNCG Police Department, Emergency: (336) 334-4444, Non-Emergency: (336) 334-5963, [email protected]


Comments or questions? Call 336-334-4226.


Revision Date Revision Summary
12/12/2022 Updated to address statutory changes and Youth Program requirements

- Minors on Campus: Reporting Policy. Retrieved 09/20/2024. Official version at https://policy.uncg.edu/university_policies/minors-on-campus-reporting-policy/. Copyright © 2024 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.