
The purpose of this policy is to guide the coordination of efforts by The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (hereinafter “UNCG” or “University”) in the process of identifying, investigating, evaluating, and managing concerning behaviors, such as violence or threats of violence to persons or property that are disruptive to the institutional activities of members of the University Community (faculty, staff, students, contractors, and visitors). 


This policy applies to any individual member(s) of the University Community or a University-recognized group or organization who exhibit or are impacted by concerning behaviors, regardless of the location.  

This policy does not provide for the adjudication of misconduct by, discipline of, or imposition of sanctions on, University faculty, staff, or students for exhibiting concerning behaviors. However, such action may be taken pursuant to applicable University policies or procedures, e.g., the Student Code of Conduct, the University Policy Manual, etc. 

3.Definitions and Roles and Responsibilities


3.1.1Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT).

A multidisciplinary team who provides a coordinated and planned approach to the identification, assessment, management, and, where possible, reduction and/or prevention of concerning behaviors. BAT reviews and discusses individuals who have displayed concerning behaviors that may pose a risk to themselves or others, or could significantly disrupt the campus environment. The BAT shall be composed of representatives from the UNCG Police Department (Co-Chair); Dean of Students Office (Co-Chair); Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Counseling Center; Housing and Residence Life; Office of Institutional Integrity and General Counsel; Provost’s Office; Human Resources; and other University officials as needed. Members of the BAT will engage in training initiatives related to threat assessment and crisis management.  

3.1.2CARE Team.

The Dean of Students Office Care Team assists any student who may be experiencing transition, academic or personal difficulty, and any crisis or emergency situation.  The Care Team frequently meets to discuss and manage concerning behaviors that may be disruptive to the University community.  The team’s goal is to create a network of support for students that emphasizes early intervention and connects students with appropriate resources or individuals that may help address their needs.  

3.1.3Concerning Behavior.

Behavior or conduct that poses or may pose a risk of potential harm to oneself or others 

3.1.4Threat Assessment.

The act of identifying and evaluating risk factors to help prevent escalation. 

3.1.5Threat Care Management.

The process of developing and implementing plans to alleviate the threat of violence posed by an individual.

3.2Roles and Responsibilities

3.2.1Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT)

As part of an institution-wide commitment to safety and security, the University has established the Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT), which specifically serves as the coordinating hub of a network of existing resources focused on violence prevention and early intervention for the university community in accordance with existing University policies. The BAT will convene to evaluate and address specific cases initiated under this policy. In doing so, the BAT will implement the University’s policies and procedures for the mitigation of threats and acts of violence within the university community, including, but not limited to, the University’s fact-based assessment, intervention, and action protocols. The BAT will collaborate with local and state law enforcement agencies, mental health agencies, and any other agencies or individuals necessary to expedite the assessment and intervention of an individual’s or organization’s/group’s behavior that may present a threat to the safety of the university community.  


The BAT meets weekly or as needed based on the occurrence of, or threats of, concerning behavior by or affecting any university community member or university organization/group. Specific responsibilities of the BAT shall include: 

  1. Creating and maintaining the University’s Behavioral Assessment Team Policy;
  2. Developing and implementing violence prevention protocols in accordance with the Violence in the Workplace Policy Statement;
  3. Providing education and guidance regarding recognition and reporting of concerning behaviors;
  4. Collaborating with campus partners in the education and prevention of violence on campus;
  5. Facilitating timely communication among different University divisions, departments, and/or units about individual behavioral concerns;
  6. Investigating or gathering additional information about individuals of concern, including individuals outside of the University Community;
  7. Assessing all information necessary for the University to devise an appropriate response;
  8. Managing interventions, threat management plans, and other case management strategies that connect individuals of concern with needed resources;
  9. Recommending support strategies for reintegrating an individual into the University Community once initial actions are complete and the threat has been eliminated;
  10. Providing a repository for information about behavioral concerns across different University divisions, departments and/or units in order to identify persons in distress or in need of resources as early as possible;
  11. Assisting with the education of the University Community about the types of behavior or concerns that they should report; 
  12. Developing policy and program recommendations based on an evaluation of data on individual behavior dealt with by the BAT; and
  13. Maintaining a collaborative working relationship and referring cases when appropriate to the CARE team. 

3.3The Care Team

The CARE team generally meets weekly to discuss and manage concerning behaviors that may be disruptive, regardless of the location, that any member of the University Community reports. The CARE team’s goal is to create a network of care and support for students with concerns that emphasizes early intervention and academic success/progress of students dealing with difficulties and to connect students with appropriate resources or individuals that may help address their needs.

4.Policy and Procedures

The University is committed to promoting a safe and secure community within a supportive and accessible living, learning, and working environment. It is further committed to identifying conditions or circumstances that may pose risks to the safety and security of members of the university community and safeguarding persons and physical resources. Issues involving violence in the workplace should be reported in accordance with the Violence in the Workplace Policy Statement

4.1Reporting Concerning Behavior

Members of the university community are encouraged to report the concerning behavior of a student, faculty, staff member, or organization/group. If it is an emergency that requires immediate attention, please contact the UNCG Police Department at 336-334-4444 prior to filling out the concerning behavior report. While the reports are reviewed by the UNCG Police Department, it is not designed as an emergency response notification process.  

No person, who in good faith, reports threatening or other troubling behavior in accordance with this policy will be subject to retaliation. Reports and referrals under this policy will be handled as discreetly as reasonably possible to protect both the alleged victim and aggressor and in accordance with all federal and state laws and other University policies.  Some examples of concerning behaviors may include, but are not limited to:  

  • Threatening words or actions, online posting in social media or journals that are threatening (if imminent, contact 336-334-4444); 
  • Unexplained and extreme aggression toward others; 
  • Projects or papers that convey clear intentions to harm self or others; 
  • Observed self-injurious behavior, such as emaciation, burns or cuts; 
  • Suicidality, including threats, gestures, ideation and known attempts of suicide (if imminent, contact 336-334-4444); 
  • Stalking (including cyberstalking); 
  • Aggressive acts toward an identified group; 
  • Individuals with weapons or infatuation with fire, firearms, bombs, ammunition or weaponry; 
  • Paranoia or delusions by the individual that he/she is being targeted; 
  • Uncharacteristic poor academic performance; 
  • Substance abuse or being under the influence of illicit drugs; 
  • Depressed/persistent sadness/unexplained crying; 
  • Disturbed eating behaviors; 
  • Disturbing written material/class discussion; 
  • Excessive anxiety/extreme mood swings; and 
  • Significant change in appearance/behaviors, lack of hygiene.  

4.2Behavioral Assessment Process

The UNCG Police Department receives all concerning behavior reports. Upon receiving a report of abnormal or concerning behavior that may suggest a potential risk of violence, the UNCG Police Department will evaluate the report and initiate a case. All good faith reports of alleged or perceived concerning or troubling behavior will be investigated to determine if the behavior poses a risk to the individual, others, or the  campus community. After a case has been initiated, the BAT will collect information, determine an appropriate intervention, and follow up with the reporting party or any parties affected, as necessary. Judgments about the relative seriousness of the behavior will be made collectively by the BAT, which may have access to additional information not known to the person or department making the initial report. 


The behavioral assessment process shall utilize a fact-based approach and rely primarily on an appraisal of behaviors as the basis for determining whether there is a need for intervention. In this approach, all aspects of the person(s) of concern must be considered, and sharing information is critical. The more information available about the person(s) and the concerning behaviors, the more accurate the threat assessment will be. 


All University departments and offices are expected to cooperate fully with members of the BAT. After referring an individual to Human Resources (staff), the Provost’s Office (faculty) or the Dean of Students Office (students) for assessment by the BAT, the referring University department or office should contact and continue to consult with Human Resources, the Provost’s Office, the Dean of Students Office (as appropriate) and/or the BAT before taking any action toward the individual (e.g., disciplinary action), as such action may trigger or escalate the individual’s behavior. For purposes of accessing student records, members of the BAT are University officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). 


Effective behavioral assessment can only occur in a larger context of safety. A climate of safety, respect, and emotional support can help diminish the possibility of targeted violence. Environments in which members of the University Community pay attention to the social and emotional needs of each other have fewer situations that require formal threat assessments. Ideally, when this climate of safety exists, everyone experiences a sense of emotional support and respect; problems may be addressed before they escalate, and the potential for violence diminishes.  

Any individual who believes there is an immediate danger to the health or safety of any member of the university community or a University organization/group should call the UNCG Police Department immediately at 336-334-4444. 


The UNCG Police Department receives all reports of alleged concerning behavior. They will determine if the information and evidence provided in the report suggest that intervention is required. If the behavior in question is determined to be non-threatening, the matter will be referred to the appropriate department (Dean of Students Office (students), Human Resources (staff), or the Provost’s Office (faculty)). If a threat is confirmed, the BAT will devise an appropriate intervention strategy to reduce the threat. The BAT will consider all feasible options and seek the most effective and least disruptive course of action to intervene and resolve the threat. 

7.Compliance and Enforcement

The UNCG Police Department will investigate any report of violence, threats, or any suspicious or alleged criminal conduct committed in any University facility or on any property owned or controlled by the University.  

Any person violating federal or state law may be charged and prosecuted. Any employee violating University policy will be subject to consideration as “misconduct” under EHRA policies (faculty and EHRA non-faculty) or “unacceptable personal conduct” under SHRA policies, including any appeal rights stated therein. Any student violating University policy will be subject to disciplinary action under the applicable Student Code of Conduct, which may include interim suspension or separation from the University, as appropriate. 

8.Additional Information

8.3Approval Authority


8.4Contacts for Additional Information and Reporting

  • Responsible Administrator: Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students, 336.334.5514
  • Other Contacts: Assistant Chief of Police, 336.334.5403


Revision Date Revision Summary
08/22/2022 Updated to reflect current practice of appropriate cross-divisional communicaiton to assess and address safety to campus community

- Behavioral Assessment Team Policy (Threat Assessment). Retrieved 07/27/2024. Official version at https://policy.uncg.edu/university_policies/threat-assessment-policy/. Copyright © 2024 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.