
The purpose of this policy is to outline the requirements for a compliance review of proposed administrative applications at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (hereinafter “the University”) prior to purchase. Individuals or departments considering the purchase of an administrative application to be owned by the University must request a review by Information Technology Services (ITS) to ensure that the intended system complies with appropriate University-approved efficiency, security, and authentication criteria.


This policy applies to all potential purchases of administrative applications to be owned by the University, including all divisions, departments, and offices. This policy applies to purchases made with all funds held by the University.



Administrative Application: Computer software designed to satisfy the administrative needs of an individual, set of individuals, or the organization. Applications may be either enterprise or departmental in nature.

Student-facing enterprise administrative application: An enterprise application, the purpose of which includes supporting students in completing administrative activities required by their role as a student. Examples include Banner, Starfish, and email services. Student-facing systems may also be used by University faculty and/or staff. “Student-facing” excludes systems that are used by students solely for purposes related to University employment (e.g., electronic time clock systems used by students who work as hourly employees, and systems used by Graduate Teaching Assistants solely for their role as an instructor). “Administrative” excludes instructional software; while the enterprise learning management system would be considered “administrative”, software acquired by an instructor or department to be used in instruction would not, and so would not be subject to stipulation #II (below) of this policy.


Purchases of enterprise software must comply with existing University policy and applicable laws, including Purchasing regulations and the policies on Web Accessibility (https://policy.uncg.edu/university-policies/web_accessibility/) and Contract Review (https://policy.uncg.edu/university-policies/contract_approval/). Additionally:

  1. Proposed administrative applications must be reviewed by the Security Committee and by the Administrative Systems Committee (ASC) to ensure that University data are properly protected.
  2. Administrative enterprise and student-facing enterprise administrative applications must comply with a University-approved method of authentication and be capable of leveraging single sign on to allow one authentication transaction for utilization of multiple services (Single Sign-On for University Systems).
  3. All administrative applications must be an efficient use of University resources. Where capabilities exist in the Banner ERP system or other enterprise systems, purchases or renewals of partially redundant or similar systems will not be approved.
  4. If any of these conditions, based on applicability, are not met, the purchase will not be approved. Exceptions to II may, however, be granted in cases where no suitable alternative exists.
  5. Appeals: A potential purchaser whose request to purchase is denied based on efficiency review as described in section III may appeal to the Administrative Systems Committee.


The Purchasing Office will enforce the policy and will work with ITS and other University authorities and administrators, to establish standards, procedures, and protocols in support of this policy, including procedures for exception requests.


ITS will periodically review the policy at appropriate intervals to be no greater than once every three years.


Comments or questions? Email the Policy Administrator.

- Administrative Applications Pre-Purchase Review. Retrieved 07/27/2024. Official version at https://policy.uncg.edu/university_policies/administrative-applications-pre-purchase-review/. Copyright © 2024 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.