Policies that have been approved by the UNCG Chancellor or UNCG Board of Trustees are included in the University Policy Manual. The only exceptions are some Human Relations/Personnel policies that are listed on the Academic Affairs web page (for Faculty) and the Human Resource Services web page (for EHRA non-faculty and SHRA). In rare cases, e.g., “Weapons on Campus,” the University Policy Manual may simply refer to a state law.

Note: If you are involved in the development or revision of policies, please contact [email protected].

Acceptable Use of Computing and Electronic Resources

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to outline the acceptable use of information systems and information systems infrastructure owned or provided by The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (hereinafter “the University”) or which contain University information assets, or which utilize the information system infrastructure maintained by the University. 2.Scope This policy applies to…

Access Policy

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to help protect students, faculty, staff, and visitors as well as property at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (the “University”). This policy is in place to ensure that people requesting access to University facilities are authorized to receive it; to ensure a process of accountability for…

Access to and Retention of Research Data

1.Purpose The purpose of the policy on Access to and Retention of Research Data is to outline the rights and responsibilities of investigators and the institution in the use, retention and maintenance of data produced as a result of the research enterprise of the university. Specific requirements related to data collection and retention are often…

Administrative Applications Pre-Purchase Review

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to outline the requirements for a compliance review of proposed administrative applications at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (hereinafter “the University”) prior to purchase. Individuals or departments considering the purchase of an administrative application to be owned by the University must request a review by Information…

Advertising Policy

1.Purpose This policy explains how commercial entities may advertise or place sponsorship announcements in University publications and materials including but not limited to its websites, digital media, computers, telephone-related systems, through the ITS campus mail system, and within the facilities controlled and operated by UNC Greensboro. 2.Scope 2.1 This policy applies to all University students,…

Alcoholic Beverages on University Premises and at University Events

1.Purpose The possession, sale, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly regulated by state and local laws. The purpose of this policy is, consistent with applicable state and local regulations, to regulate possession, sale, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages at alcohol events on University Premises or under University auspices. All persons participating in…

Alteration, Renovation, Maintenance and Repair of Facilities

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to promote stewardship in the planning, design, construction and maintenance of the university’s physical environment so that it is cohesive, contextual, aesthetic, sustainable and enduring so as to protect the health, welfare and safety of the university community and supportive of the university’s mission. 2.Scope This policy shall…

American Express Corporate Card

1.Purpose The University offers an American Express Corporate Card to employees who travel frequently on University business. 2.Scope The corporate card is available to permanent University faculty and staff. Participation in the American Express Corporate Card Program is voluntary. Effective April 1, 2021, the University will discontinue the American Express program and will not consider…

Animals on Campus Grounds and in Campus Facilities

1.Purpose Members of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (“UNCG” or the “University”) community and others often wish to bring animals on or into University Property for a variety of reasons. It is the purpose of this policy to articulate the conditions under which animals may or may not be permitted on or in…

Automated External Defibrillators

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina Greensboro is committed to the health and safety of its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Consistent with these values and applicable North Carolina law, UNCG has established a program to address the management and placement of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) on campus. The use of an AED is one…

Behavioral Assessment Team Policy (Threat Assessment)

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to guide the coordination of efforts by The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (hereinafter “UNCG” or “University”) in the process of identifying, investigating, evaluating, and managing concerning behaviors, such as violence or threats of violence to persons or property that are disruptive to the institutional activities of…

Canvas Use Policy

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s (hereinafter “University”) computing and telecommunication networks, computing equipment, and computing resources are owned by the University and are provided to support the academic and administrative functions of the University. Federal and state law, and University policies and procedures govern the use of this equipment and technologies. To…

Chalking Policy

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to outline acceptable places and manner for chalking of sidewalks at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 2.Scope This policy applies to all persons who wish to chalk on University sidewalks, including students; registered student organizations; UNCG community members (faculty, staff); and external businesses and individuals. 3.Policy…

Communicable Disease Policy

1.Purpose Communicable diseases, those understood to have serious, deleterious effects on human health, and which are transmitted and spread through various forms of human contact, can pose a considerable threat to the well-being of the entire University community. Examples of communicable diseases include, but are not limited to: Hepatitis HIV/AIDS Measles Meningitis Mumps Rubella Influenza…

Computing Supported Products (Standards for Computer and Related Technology) (Rescinded)

1. The Computing Supported Products (Standards for Computer and Related Technology) Policy was rescinded on March 9, 2020. It provided information about supported computing products, which are defined as those that have been accepted for general use throughout the University for administrative and/or academic purposes. The Division of Information Technology Services rewrote and published the…

Conflicts of Interest and Commitment Policy

1.Purpose Consistent with the University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s research, teaching, and public service missions, the University encourages professional activities that promote intellectual exchange, enhance professional development, spark innovation, build capacity, and address pressing challenges both within our immediate and larger communities.  Faculty members may achieve these goals through traditional academic pursuits, such as…

Conflicts of Interest Procedures

1.Purpose The Chancellor has designated that the Director of UNCG’s Office of Research Integrity shall act as the senior UNCG official assigned with oversight of campus policies and procedures for reviewing and managing conflicts of interest involving all UNCG Faculty and EHRA Non-Faculty employees. The applicable policies, as adopted and as may be amended, are…

Contract Review and Approval

1.Purpose UNC Greensboro is a public institution of higher education with authority to enter into contracts and agreements that are necessary to meet the mission and priorities of the University. As a public body, the University is subject to legal and ethical requirements and restrictions that affect its ability to accept certain contract terms. The…

Copyright Compliance for Users of UNCG Technology

1.Introduction The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (hereinafter “University”) promotes the responsible and ethical adherence to intellectual property rights. This policy seeks to promote this goal. 2.Scope All students, faculty, staff, and authorized affiliates of the University are expected to comply with United States copyright laws. These laws apply to copyright-protected materials regardless of…

Data Classification

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (hereinafter “University” or “UNCG”) is strongly committed to maintaining the security and privacy of confidential information and other data it collects or stores.  This confidential information and other data must be protected accordingly. The purpose of this policy is to outline the responsibilities required for securing data…

Data Governance Structure

1.Purpose The purpose of the Data Governance Structure Policy is to define how data governance will be practiced at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). The policy defines the individual roles and responsibilities to support data governance activities, decision-making authorities, and communication expectations of those involved in data governance activities.   Data governance is…

Data Integrity Policy

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Institutional Data at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (the “University” or “UNCG”) has a high degree of integrity and that key Data Elements can be integrated across functions and systems, resulting in greater accuracy, timeliness, and quality of information for decision-making.  2.Scope This…

Delegations of Authority, Board of Trustees of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

1.Delegation of Duties The Board of Trustees has determined that it is necessary and prudent for the proper and expeditious functioning of the University to delegate the following duties and powers as delegated by state law or the Board of Governors. Unless explicitly reserved herein, the Board delegates the authority to the Chancellor to make…

Digital Communications

1.Purpose UNC Greensboro must have a clear, consistent, cohesive identity supported across digital channels by a coordinated, managed approach to platforms, content, and message. The purpose of this policy is to support effective digital communications, which are fundamental to effective engagement, and require robust, extensive – and in some cases complicated tools and interactions –…

Digital Mass Messaging Policy

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for the approval and appropriate use of the UNCG Mobile App push notifications, and University email,  for Mass Digital Communications, as defined herein. The potential misuse of these tools is recognized. Thus, this policy also includes a pre-approval process to prevent misuse.  2.Scope This policy…

Discriminatory Conduct

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina at Greensboro is committed to the principle that educational and employment decisions should be based on an individual’s abilities and qualifications and should not be based on personal characteristics or beliefs that have no relevance to academic ability or to job performance. Accordingly, UNCG supports policies, curricula and co-curricular…

Distributed Information Technology Personnel Policy

1.Purpose In order to ensure that UNC Greensboro’s technology and data are managed in the most efficient and effective manner, consistent with established University standards, audit and all legal and ethical compliance requirements, the purpose of this policy is to outline a centralized, collaborative approach to all facets of the management and operation of technology…

Electronic Records Retention Policy (rescinded)

1. The Electronic Records Retention Policy, approved in 1998, and last revised in 2005 articulated the distinctions necessary for managing electronic records “alongside traditional records to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations and to preserve institutional history.” Its purpose was to inform University employees and departmental management of the requirements and responsibilities for management…

Emergency Management

1.Purpose This policy defines the organizational framework of the Emergency Management Program and establishes roles and responsibilities for emergency management and continuity planning activities at the university. 2.Scope This policy addresses the university-wide Emergency Management Program and applies to the entire university community, with a particular focus on business units that have responsibilities identified in…

Enterprise Systems

1. UNCG enterprise systems will be operated and maintained by Information Technology Services, with servers in one or more designated machine room(s) that are fully compliant with the state auditor’s IS audit standards. Centrally locating these systems and utilizing appropriate technologies will provide for enhanced data and network security and reliability, and enable the University…

Event/Announcement Signage and Wayfinding

1.Purpose UNC Greensboro strives to provide an appealing, welcoming campus environment with informative wayfinding.  Monitoring and controlling campus signage are essential elements in our University master plan, living and learning environments, and brand identity. 2.Scope The following are covered by this policy: Major campus perimeter announcement signs, whether permanent or temporary. Permanent and temporary announcement signs…

Events Accessibility Policy

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to specify the requirements for ensuring University events are accessible and in legal compliance under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (the “Rehabilitation Act”) as mandated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights.…

External Professional Activities for Pay

1.Purpose In accordance with the Board of Governors’ policy on Conflict of Interest and Commitment (UNC Policy Manual, Section 300.2.2) and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s Policy on Conflict of Interest and Commitment, and because of their specialized knowledge and experience, UNCG faculty and EHRA non-faculty employees may be asked to engage in…

Extraordinary Admissions Protocol

1.Purpose The University strives to fairly and accurately evaluate applications for admission in order to ensure equality of educational opportunity while fostering an environment that promotes education, research, and service. On occasion, the Director of Undergraduate Admissions or the Director of Graduate Admissions (herein referred to as the “Admissions Officer”) may seek advice from, or…

Facility Use Policy

1.Purpose The primary purpose of the facilities at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (herein “UNCG” or “the University”) is to carry out the educational mission of the University. As a public institution, UNCG also seeks to reach out and be accessible to the larger community. To the extent that space is available, the…

Flexible Work and Teleworking Arrangements

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (“UNCG” or the “University”) recognizes that both the University and its employees may need to utilize flexible work arrangements, consistent with the University’s mission and needs. The purpose of this policy is to outline the process by which the University and employees will implement flexible work arrangements.…

Gift Acceptance

1.Purpose Philanthropic activities and initiatives play a critical role in the fulfillment of the University’s teaching, research, and service mission. As such, it is important that the University have a gift acceptance policy that encourages donors, faculty, staff, and others to contribute to the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (“UNC Greensboro” or “University”), while…

Guidelines on the Establishment of Contracts and Agreements with External Entities to be Housed on the UNCG Campus (Rescinded)

1. This Policy was rescinded on January 24, 2023. It originally was prepared to assist individuals seeking to establish contracts or other formal affiliations (“agreements”) with external, non-UNCG entities seeking to be housed on campus. This information is currently provided by a numerous other University offices, rendering the policy obsolete.

High Occupancy Vans Policy (Motor Vehicle Policy)

1.Introduction High publicity crashes and subsequent research by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have raised awareness of the increase risk of fatalities resulting from crashes of 15-passenger vans. In a three-month period starting in December 1999, six fatal accidents involving university athletic teams using 15-passenger vans occurred. The vehicle design as well as how…

HIPAA Compliance

1.Purpose The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) regulates health care providers (Covered Entities) that electronically maintain or transmit protected health information (PHI) in connection with a covered transaction. HIPAA requires each Covered Entity (CE) to maintain reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards for privacy and security. Entities or individuals…

Identity Theft Prevention

1.Program Adoption As a best practice and using as a guide the Federal Trade Commission’s (“FTC”) Red Flags Rule, implementing Section 114 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (“University”) developed this Identity Theft Prevention Program (“Program”). This Program was developed with oversight and approval…

Illegal Drugs (rescinded)

1. Rescinded on December 11, 2023, concurrent with the revision of the University’s Policy on ILLEGAL USE OR ABUSE OF ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS to ensure consistency with other applicable policies for students and employees.

Illegal Use or Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs 

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (the “University”) is committed to sustaining a safe and healthy environment that enables members of our community to acquire knowledge, develop intellectual skills, and become more thoughtful and responsible members of a global society. The illegal use or abuse of alcohol and drugs in the workplace and…

Information Communication Technology Accessibility

1.Purpose UNC Greensboro is committed to providing equal access to its educational services, programs and activities in accordance with federal and state laws and, as part of that commitment, to creating an information and communication technology environment that is accessible to all, including individuals with disabilities. 2.Scope Creating an accessible information and communication technology environment…

Information Security

1.Purpose This policy specifies the principles and requirements the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (hereinafter “University”) has established to protect information assets owned by or in the care of the University. 2.Scope This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, and any parties who interact with, access, or store University information assets or information…

Information Security Incident Reporting and Notification Policy

1.Purpose This Policy establishes Information Security Incident reporting and notification requirements. 2.Scope This policy applies to all University information assets or information assets in the University’s care, and applies to all faculty, staff, students, and any parties who interact with, access, or store University information assets or information assets in the University’s care regardless of…

Information Technology Procurement

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (hereinafter “University” or “UNCG”) procurement of information technology hardware, software, and services follow established UNCG policies, standards, and guidelines, and is centrally managed and approved by the Vice Chancellor of Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer (CIO),…

Institutional Effectiveness

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to affirm the University’s responsibility to engage in institution-wide, systematic, and continuous assessment of the effectiveness of the institution and to establish clear, consistent, and sustainable processes for doing so. Institutional effectiveness activities are generally shaped by the University’s strategic plan, and many results of those activities provide…

International Travel Policy

1.Purpose In keeping with UNC Greensboro’s Mission and Vision to be a “global university integrating intercultural and international experiences and perspectives into learning, discovery, and service,” the University recognizes the educational, research, and scholarship benefits of international travel. The purpose of this policy is to establish processes and procedures for University-related international travel. Additional policies…

Interpersonal Relationships

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to set forth standards of professional and ethical conduct at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (the “University”) with respect to interpersonal relationships between employees and students. The University is committed to providing an equitable and accessible educational environment to all in our community. The intent of…

Investment Policy Statement for Institutional Trust and Special Funds

1.Purpose N.C. General Statute 116-36.1 authorizes the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina (“UNC”) to adopt uniform policies and procedures applicable to the deposit, investment, and administration of institutional trust funds and to delegate such authority through the President to the constituent institutions. Through UNC policy “600.2.4.1: Delegated Authority for Managing Institutional…

IT position Management Procedure

1.Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to provide clear and specific guidance to Home Departments, Home Department Managers, and Distributed IT Personnel on their responsibilities to Central IT for joint management of Distributed IT Personnel as required by the UNCG Centralized University Information Technology Personnel Oversight policy. 2.Procedure The following procedures provide a structure…

Learning Management System Use Policy

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s (hereinafter “University”) computing and telecommunication networks, computing equipment and computing resources are owned by the University and are provided to support the academic and administrative functions of the University. Federal and state law and University policies and procedures govern the use of this equipment and technologies. To…

Legal Hold

1.Purpose The purpose of this Policy is to set forth the authority and process for initiating, implementing, monitoring, and releasing legal holds, which are required when the normal and routine destruction of records must be suspended despite federal and State requirements and University record retention and disposition schedules.  Present and future records that are involved in…

Media (Press) Policy

1.Purpose As a public institution, UNC Greensboro (UNCG) is an open campus that provides the media with reasonable access to outdoor and indoor spaces. However, the University has a responsibility to regulate media access to certain parts of campus to ensure students and employees can carry out the teaching, research, and public service mission of…

Merchandising Policy Guidelines

1.Purpose The Board of Trustees of The University of North Carolina has established a Merchandising Policy which prevents harassment and nuisance to students living on campus. Off-campus firms, organizations, or individuals are restricted in conducting merchandising activities on campus and should consult Business and Student Services for information. Non-student affiliated groups and departments are subject…

Micromobility Transportation Devices

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish requirements that govern the safe operation and use of Micromobility Transportation Devices on University Property, which will provide an opportunity for the University community to work and learn in a safe environment, with multiple alternative transportation options available. 2.Scope This policy applies to all users of…

Minors in Research Laboratories Policy

1.Purpose The concern of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) for laboratory safety extends not only to employees and students but also to any persons visiting or participating in University laboratories, especially minors (those under the age of 18), who may potentially be exposed to hazardous materials, including chemical, biological and radioactive materials,…

Minors on Campus: Reporting Policy

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to set forth reporting requirements for those in The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (the “University”) community who may work or interact with Minors who are visiting University Premises or participating in Youth Programs or other University programs. Further, this policy provides notice to the members of…

Mobile Communications Device (MCD) Allowances

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide rules and guidelines for administering a program that compensates UNCG employees for utilizing their personal mobile communication devices/services for state business provided that their duties and responsibilities require mobile communication and/or remote internet access. The advantages of this program include: Employees do not have to carry…

Mobile Device

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework and requirements regarding the use and protection of mobile devices.  Devices include, but are not limited to, mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, laptops, or hybrid devices that store, transmit, or have access to resources at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (hereinafter “the University”…

Naming University Facilities, Units and Opportunities

1.Policy Statement and Purpose It is the practice of UNC Greensboro to recognize donors and friends of the University through the naming of certain Facilities and Programs. Naming opportunities provide a chance to recognize key individuals who or entities that have made significant contributions in various forms to the University.  Naming opportunities also provide a…

Notification Policy

1.Purpose The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act) is a federal law that requires institutions of higher education to establish policies related to Clery crimes and issue notifications related to those crimes to the campus community. This policy defines the framework in which notifications are issued…

Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones on Campus)

1.Purpose The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (“UNC Greensboro” or “University”) complies with federal and state laws and Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) regulations regarding aircraft, including small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (“sUAS”), commonly referred to as “drones.” Inherent risks in the operation of such equipment necessitate…

Patents and Inventions

1.Part A – Preamble, Authority, and Coverage 1.1Preamble The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (hereinafter referred to as “UNCG”) is dedicated to its mission of instruction, research and service. It is the policy of UNCG that its faculty, staff and students carry out their scholarly work in an open and free atmosphere, and that…

Physical Access to Information Technology Resources

1.Purpose Information technology (IT) resources and access to those resources are required to comply with known federal and state data protection or disclosure standards as well as the University Information Security Policy. This policy specifies the minimum guidelines and requirements for physical and environmental security measures for IT Secure Areas. 2.Scope This policy applies to…

Podcast policy

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all creators, editors, hosts, and producers of podcasts that have a connection to The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (the “University,” “UNC Greensboro” or “UNCG”) adhere to brand guidelines and other rules and regulations applicable to those podcasts.  2.Scope This policy applies to all…

Policy on Gender Inclusive Language

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of the University Community.  2.Scope This policy applies to all members of the University Community and to all University Publications.  3.Definition and Roles and Responsibilities 3.1Definitions 3.1.1Gender-Inclusive Terms “Gender-Inclusive Terms” means writing that does not identify a particular…

Policy on Policies

1.Purpose Policies are critical to maintaining an environment that fosters excellence, integrity, and accountability. UNC Greensboro identifies policies as falling into one of three distinct categories (defined below): University, Academic, and Unit. The purpose of this policy is to establish governing principles for the development, approval, maintenance, management, and publication of policies at UNC Greensboro.…

Professional and General Liability Insurance for University Student Internships, Practicums & Student Teachers

1.Purpose Student Internships and practicum occur in a variety of settings and disciplines at the University. Acquired through the Office of Institutional Risk Management, UNCG has procured a University Student Intern Liability Policy,(“Insurance Policy”) which is intended to protect students, while in performance of course activity, from liability claims for actions or alleged actions from…

Public Records Policy

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina at Greensboro seeks to conduct its business in an open and transparent manner.  Records made or received pursuant to law or ordinance in connection with the transaction of public business are considered to be property of the people of the State of North Carolina.  Accordingly, this policy is implemented…

Reasonable Accommodations in Employment

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNC Greensboro) fully complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act (ADAA) and maintains equal opportunity in employment, including for all qualified individuals with a disability. The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, transportation,…

Records Retention

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to affirm the commitment of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (the “University” or “UNC Greensboro”) to comply with North Carolina public records laws and the Records Retention and Distribution Schedule of the University of North Carolina System, as may be amended from time to time, issued…

Registered Student Group Advisor Policy

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (hereinafter “University”) recognizes and supports the experiences and research showing student participation in registered student groups contributes in significant ways to semester and year-to-year retention, long-term postsecondary education persistence, and satisfaction with the collegiate experience. Registered student groups (RSG) are most successful when advised professionally by involved…

Research Misconduct and Procedures for Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to set forth the standards of research conduct that The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (“UNC Greensboro” or the “University”) expects of its faculty, staff, students, guest researchers, collaborators, and consultants. It also describes the procedures to be used in instances when Allegations of Research Misconduct, as…

Risk Management Policy

1.Purpose The Risk Management Policy serves as a statement of the overall UNCG risk management goals and focus. It is intended to ensure a consistent approach to risk management throughout the university. Risk refers to the probability of an event and potential consequences, both positive and negative, to UNCG. Risks do not exist in isolation…

Smoking Policy

1.Purpose Concern about the health consequences of smoking in University buildings requires some regulation of smoking on the University campus. 2.Scope This policy applies to all students, faculty, senior administrative officers, non-faculty EHRA employees, SHRA employees, guests, and other authorized individuals who are present on property owned, leased, managed, or operated by The University of…

Social Security Numbers

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to help safeguard the Social Security numbers (“SSNs”) of UNCG students, employees and the public, while providing guidance on how Social Security numbers may be obtained, used and disclosed. This policy is designed to facilitate University compliance with N.C. Gen. Statutes 132-1.10 (lawful use of SSNs) and the…

Solicitation by Affiliated and Unaffiliated Groups Policy

1.Purpose and Scope Any affiliated group desiring to solicit funds in University buildings or campus spaces must receive written approval for such solicitations from the Director of Campus Activities and Programs. Officially recognized student organizations are subject to the regulations found in the Merchandising Policy Guidelines. 2.Policy University buildings or campus spaces may not be…

Substantive Change

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG or UNC Greensboro) will maintain compliance with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges’ (SACSCOC) Substantive Change Policy and Procedures document. The SACSCOC policy mandates 1) reporting of and approval for certain modifications or expansions to the nature or scope of accredited institutions,…

Title IX Policy

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to articulate The University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s (“UNC Greensboro” or the “University”) opposition to unlawful discrimination, to lay out the scope, definitions, and key roles and responsibilities associated with implementation of this policy, to outline the University’s prohibition against retaliation, and to identify the University’s enforcement…


1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide basic information on University travel. These policies are based on The State Budget Manual, Section 5, which sets forth travel policies and regulations relative to securing authorization and reimbursement of expenditures for official state travel. The administration and control of travel is in accordance with the provisions…

Undue Favoritism

1.Rationale Undue favoritism in the conferral of any University benefit, reward or privilege (e.g. admission, grades, employment, promotion, salary increase, preferential job assignments etc.), is a conflict of interest with an employee’s obligation to exercise fairness and professional judgement in the conduct of University business. Undue favoritism based on race, religion, sex or other legally…

University Calendar

1.Purpose The University Calendar is the official schedule including periods of instruction, registration, instructional and other holidays, and deadlines. It is prepared by the Registrar with the advice of the Calendar and Scheduling Committee of the Faculty Senate. Information is also sought/provided by appropriate University offices. The document shall consist of an approved schedule for…

University Privacy Policy

1.Purpose This policy addresses the collection, use, disclosure, and security of personal information that may be obtained when individuals visit The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (the “University” or “UNCG”) web applications or mobile app (UNCG Mobile) and describes UNCG’s data protection strategy to comply with multiple regulations, including the European Union General Data…

Unlawful Workplace Harassment Policy and Plan

1.Unlawful Workplace Harassment Policy 1.1EPA Nonfaculty & SPA The University of North Carolina at Greensboro is committed to providing an atmosphere in which employees will be free of workplace harassment and retaliation. No University employee may engage in conduct that falls under the definition of unlawful workplace harassment as defined below. Workplace Harassment is defined…

Volunteer Policy and Procedures

1.Purpose This policy is designed to enable the University to accept volunteers, reduce volunteer risk and protect the interests of the University, its volunteers, and the community it serves. 2.Definition A “University volunteer” is defined as any uncompensated individual who is authorized by a University department or unit to perform humanitarian, charitable or public services…

Waste Reduction, Recycling, and Recycled Purchasing

1.Background In April 1993, Governor James Hunt signed Executive Order Number 8 outlining specific requirements for State agencies with respect to recycling, reducing solid waste, and purchasing products with recycled content. Waste reduction is mandated by Executive Order Number 8 with an established waste reduction goal of 40% by the year 2001. The University has…

Weapons on Campus

1.Purpose The purpose of this policy is to facilitate a safe and open environment for all The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (the “University”) community members and guests, free from the disruptive and intrusive presence of Weapons and their accompanying threat of violence. 2.Scope This policy applies to all employees (including faculty, EHRA non-faculty,…

Wireless Communications

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s (hereinafter “University”) computing and telecommunication networks, computing equipment and computing resources are owned by the University and are provided to support the academic and administrative functions of the University. Federal and state law, and University policies and procedures govern the use of this equipment and technologies. Additional…

Youth Programs

1.Purpose The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (“the University” or “UNC Greensboro”) is committed to providing a safe and welcoming experience for minors. Faculty, staff, students, student employees, graduate assistants, contractors, and volunteers are therefore expected to hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct when interacting with minors. This policy establishes requirements for…